Dinner for Eight FAQ

What is Dinner for Eight?

Dinner for Eight is a great way to meet and reconnect with people from church. It’s also an excellent way to get to know your church family better. Groups plan their meals and get together once a month for three consecutive months, June, July, and August. You share meals at participants’ homes, local restaurants, a park, or wherever the group decides. The emphasis is on fun and fellowship, so you don't have to be a gourmet cook to participate.

How does a Dinner for Eight Group work?

Determine whether you would like to host or attend a Dinner for Eight group. Fill out the registration form below. Hosts will be contacted by the church office. Hosts will contact members to arrange the details for the first gathering. Dinner groups are encouraged to be creative in the meals they enjoy together. The group's purpose is to connect through conversation and prayer over a meal. There is no formal agenda or program.

What does a Group Host do?

The Group Host coordinates the first gathering's location, date, and food sign-ups.

Who cooks the meals?

It's a potluck! Usually, the host makes the main dish, and other participants bring coordinating sides or desserts. Potluck dinners are also a good way to simplify meal planning and distribute costs equally among everyone in the group. Consider picking a dinner "theme night" (i.e., Italian night, backyard barbeque, taco night, etc.), and everyone can bring a dish that accompanies that theme. Some groups may also choose to visit local restaurants or other venues.

I don't have room to host a dinner or can't cook!

Our desire is for you to spend time getting to know each other and include everyone. Your group may repeat a host home, rotate to another members home, or eat out at a restaurant or park.

How are the Dinner for Eight groups formed?

Hosts should plan to invite people into their groups. Those groups open for signups may be connected with those interested in joining a group.

What about families with children?

Families with children are welcome to participate in Dinner for Eight Groups. Gathering with other families with children is encouraged.